Step 5 - Field Mentorships (2025)
Step 5 — Field Mentorships (2025)
Following the successful completion of the Step 4 Live Horse Trim Clinic, approval by the ISNHCP of your Step 4 Video Evaluation, and passing of your Step 5 Study Hall Quiz #7 you may move forward to the Step 5 Field Mentorship phase of the training program.
Mentorship Requirements
You must complete a minimum of 10 mentorships, a total of 10 days of training on live horses. You can now complete all 10 mentorships with one Instructor; we aim at making your training more accessible and affordable. However, we strongly encourage training with multiple Instructors, as doing so will broaden your skills and experience. More on this in your Student Training Syllabus.
Measuring front hooves, recording one's results, and having them verified by your Instructor or their authorized assistants are required in your mentorships. Use the data form for Step 5 below. It is your responsibility to come with multiple copies, depending on the number of horses you will be trimming. Use pencils rather than ink pens when filling in data in the form. Bringing a clip board for standard size copy paper is also recommended.
Download the Step 5 Data Form here.
Download instructions for Calibrating your HMRs for using the Advanced Trim Guidelines here.
- These Step 5 data forms are for your personal records, they are not submitted to the ISNHCP.
- Following your mentorships, go here to the "Student Feedback Form" and let the ISNHCP know how your training went.
Contact Your Instructors
It is your responsibility to contact our Instructors to schedule your mentorships. They are listed on the ISNHCP website menu, "Locate An ISNHCP Instructor." Once confirmed, email the ISNHCP to let us know who you will be training with.
Mentorship Fees
Payment for your mentorships is made directly to your Instructor. Do not pay the ISNHCP. Refer to our ISNHCP Prospectus for mentorship fees.
Step 6 Study Hall Quiz #8
You may proceed to take the last Step 7 Study Hall Quiz #8 at any time during your mentorship training.